
The Document Object Model (DOM) is a W3C standard. It defines a standard for accessing documents like HTML and XML. This tutorial will teach you the basics of XML DOM. The tutorial is divided into sections such as XML DOM Basics, XML DOM Operations and XML DOM Objects. Each of these sections contain related topics with simple and useful examples.

This reference has been prepared for the beginners to help them understand the basic-to-advanced concepts related to XML DOM. This tutorial will give you enough understanding on XML DOM from where you can take yourself to a higher level of expertise.

Before proceeding with this tutorial you should have basic knowledge of XML, HTML and Javascript.

What you'll learn

Become a UX designer.

You will be able to add UX designer to your CV

Become a UI designer.

Build & test a full website design.

Create your first UX brief & persona.

How to use premade UI kits.

Create quick wireframes.

Downloadable exercise files

Build a UX project from beginning to end.

Learn to design websites & mobile phone apps.

All the techniques used by UX professionals

You will be able to talk correctly with other UX design.


  • You will need a copy of Adobe XD 2019 or above. A free trial can be downloaded from Adobe.
  • No previous design experience is needed.
  • No previous Adobe XD skills are needed.

Course Content

XML DOM Basics
XML DOM Overview
XML DOM Node Tree
XML DOM Methods
XML DOM Loading
XML DOM Traversing
XML DOM Navigation
XML DOM Accessing
XML DOM Operations
XML DOM Get Node
XML DOM Set Node
XML DOM Create Node
XML DOM Add Node
XML DOM Replace Node
XML DOM Remove Node
XML DOM Clone Node
XML DOM Objects
DOM Node Object
DOM NodeList Object
DOM NamedNodeMap Object
DOM DocumentType Object
DOM Entity Object
DOM Notation Object
DOM Element Object
DOM Attribute Object
DOM CDATASection Object
DOM Comment Object
DOM XMLHttpRequest Object
DOM DOMException Object
XML DOM Quick Guide
XML DOM Useful Resources


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