
A library is more than just a center for getting access to your favorite books, journals, and magazines. Public libraries hold a vast and organized collection of printed or electronic reading material that can be delivered to a defined set of recipients by the library staff.

Libraries in general provide a range of services from preservation, collection, circulation, organization, and retrieval of information, which is either in printed or digital format.

Public Library Management deals with the process of developing, storing, managing, and maintaining a public library. This tutorial introduces you to the basics of public library, information resources, organization, formats, and retrieval, cataloging and indexing, as well as public library legislation.

This tutorial will make you understand the very basics of Public Library Management.

This tutorial is prepared for beginners to help them understand basics of Public Library and its Management. It will be especially useful for all those readers who would want to make a career in knowledge management or as a librarian.

We assume that the reader has basic knowledge of knowledge resources, media, and management concepts. Creativity, analytical thinking, strategic vision, and communication skills are a plus.

What you'll learn

Become a UX designer.

You will be able to add UX designer to your CV

Become a UI designer.

Build & test a full website design.

Create your first UX brief & persona.

How to use premade UI kits.

Create quick wireframes.

Downloadable exercise files

Build a UX project from beginning to end.

Learn to design websites & mobile phone apps.

All the techniques used by UX professionals

You will be able to talk correctly with other UX design.


  • You will need a copy of Adobe XD 2019 or above. A free trial can be downloaded from Adobe.
  • No previous design experience is needed.
  • No previous Adobe XD skills are needed.

Course Content

Public Library Management Tutorial
Knowledge Organization


W3edify Infotech

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