
The Internet has now become all-encompassing; it touches the lives of every human being. We cannot undermine the benefits of Internet, however its anonymous nature allows miscreants to indulge in various cybercrimes. This is a brief tutorial that explains the cyber laws that are in place to keep cybercrimes in check. In addition to cyber laws, it elaborates various IT Security measures that can be used to protect sensitive data against potential cyber threats.

Anyone using a computer system and Internet to communicate with the world can use this tutorial to gain knowledge on cyber laws and IT security.

You should have a basic knowledge of Internet and its adverse effects.

What you'll learn

Become a UX designer.

You will be able to add UX designer to your CV

Become a UI designer.

Build & test a full website design.

Create your first UX brief & persona.

How to use premade UI kits.

Create quick wireframes.

Downloadable exercise files

Build a UX project from beginning to end.

Learn to design websites & mobile phone apps.

All the techniques used by UX professionals

You will be able to talk correctly with other UX design.


  • You will need a copy of Adobe XD 2019 or above. A free trial can be downloaded from Adobe.
  • No previous design experience is needed.
  • No previous Adobe XD skills are needed.

Course Content

Information Security & Cyber Law
Cyber Law & IT Act Overview
Cyber Law Objectives
Intellectual Property Right
Cyber Security Strategies
Policies To Mitigate Cyber Risk
Information Technology Act, 2000
Digital & Electronic Signatures
Cyber Crimes FAQs
Cyber Law Resources
Cyber Law Quick Guide
Cyber Law Useful Resources


W3edify Infotech

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