
This tutorial explains the very basic circuits in Electronics and Communications. The circuits mentioned in this tutorial are mostly related to the applications of diodes. The components mentioned in Basic Electronics tutorialhave their applications seen here. Almost all the important diode circuits are covered in this tutorial.

This tutorial is intended for beginners in the field of Electronics and Communications and hence, it would be useful for most students. It has been designed keeping in mind the requirements of beginners who are interested in learning the functionalities of basic circuits used in Electronics and Communication.

The readers should have elementary knowledge regarding electronic components to make the most of this tutorial, however it is not a necessity. If you want to refresh your knowledge on the construction, working, and applications of electronic components, then please go through our Basic Electronics tutorialfirst.

What you'll learn

Become a UX designer.

You will be able to add UX designer to your CV

Become a UI designer.

Build & test a full website design.

Create your first UX brief & persona.

How to use premade UI kits.

Create quick wireframes.

Downloadable exercise files

Build a UX project from beginning to end.

Learn to design websites & mobile phone apps.

All the techniques used by UX professionals

You will be able to talk correctly with other UX design.


  • You will need a copy of Adobe XD 2019 or above. A free trial can be downloaded from Adobe.
  • No previous design experience is needed.
  • No previous Adobe XD skills are needed.

Course Content

Electronic Circuits Tutorial
Electronic Circuits Introduction
Electronic Circuits Signals
Wave Shaping
Special Functions of LPF and HPF
Nonlinear Wave Shapping
Electronic Circuits Rectifiers
Electronic Circuits Filters
Electronic Circuits Regulators
Electronic Circuits SMPS
Electronic Circuits Quick Guide


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