
Apparently, the world is becoming more and more connected. And at some point in the very near future, your kitchen bar may well be able to recommend your favorite brands of whiskey! This recommended information may come from retailers, or equally likely it can be suggested from friends on Social Networks; whatever it is, you will be able to see the benefits of using graph databases, if you like the recommendations. This tutorial explains the various aspects of ArangoDB which is a major contender in the landscape of graph databases. Starting with the basics of ArangoDB which focuses on the installation and basic concepts of ArangoDB, it gradually moves on to advanced topics such as CRUD operations and AQL. The last few chapters in this tutorial will help you understand how to deploy ArangoDB as a single instance and/or using Docker.

This tutorial is meant for those who are interested in learning ArangoDB as a Multimodel Database. Graph databases are spreading like wildfire across the industry and are making an impact on the development of new generation applications. So anyone who is interested in learning different aspects of ArangoDB, should go through this tutorial.

Before proceeding with this tutorial, you should have the basic knowledge of Database, SQL, Graph Theory, and JavaScript.

What you'll learn

Become a UX designer.

You will be able to add UX designer to your CV

Become a UI designer.

Build & test a full website design.

Create your first UX brief & persona.

How to use premade UI kits.

Create quick wireframes.

Downloadable exercise files

Build a UX project from beginning to end.

Learn to design websites & mobile phone apps.

All the techniques used by UX professionals

You will be able to talk correctly with other UX design.


  • You will need a copy of Adobe XD 2019 or above. A free trial can be downloaded from Adobe.
  • No previous design experience is needed.
  • No previous Adobe XD skills are needed.

Course Content

ArangoDB Tutorial
ArangoDB A MultiModel First Database
ArangoDB Advantages
Basic Concepts and Terminologies
ArangoDB System Requirements
ArangoDB Command Line
ArangoDB Web Interface
ArangoDB Example Case Scenarios
ArangoDB Database Methods
ArangoDB Crud Operations
Crud Operations using Web Interface
Querying the Data with AQL
ArangoDB AQL Example Queries
ArangoDB How to Deploy
ArangoDB Quick Guide
ArangoDB Useful Resources


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