
This tutorial is meant to provide the readers a detailed description of the antennas used in communication systems. After completing this tutorial, you will be able to calculate the parameters of an antenna and decide which antenna suits for which type of application and why.

This tutorial is meant for all the readers who are aspiring to learn the phenomenon of antennas used in communication systems, from the basic parameters of antennas, the types of antennas along with their characteristics and their design parameters.

A learner who wants to go ahead with this tutorial needs to have basic concepts on Electromagnetic waves and a good hold on communication systems.

Course Content

Antenna Theory Tutorial
Antenna Theory Home
Antenna Basic Terms
Antenna Theory Fundamentals
Antenna Theory Basic Parameters
Antenna Theory Parameters
Antenna Theory Near & Far Fields
Antenna Theory Radiation Pattern
Isotropic Radiation
Antenna Beam & Polarization
Antenna Theory Beam Width
Antenna Theory Reciprocity
Antenna Theory Poynting Vector
Types of Antennas
Antenna Theory Types of Antennas
Antenna Theory Wire
Antenna Theory HalfWave Dipole
Antenna Theory HalfWave Folded Dipole
Antenna Theory FullWave Dipole
Antenna Theory Short Dipole
Antenna Theory LongWire
Antenna Theory VAntennas
Antenna Theory Inverted VAntenna
Antenna Theory Rhombic
Antenna Theory Loop
Antenna Theory Helical
Antenna Theory Aperture
Antenna Theory Horn
Antenna Theory Slot
Antenna Theory Micro Strip
Antenna Theory Lens
Parabolic Reflector
Antenna Arrays
Antenna Theory Antenna Arrays
Antenna Theory Collinear Array
Antenna Theory Broadside Array
Antenna Theory Endfire Array
Antenna Theory Parasitic Array
Antenna Theory YagiUda Antenna
Antenna Theory Logperiodic Antenna
Turnstile Antenna Theory
Wave Propagation
Antenna Spectrum & Transmission
Antenna Types of Propagation
Antenna Lonosphere & its Layers
Terms in Wave Propagation
Antenna Theory Quick Guide
Antenna Theory Useful Resources
Antenna Theory Discussion


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